Loaf of Noaf Designs.

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro.

Here are 3 commercials I created for my freelancing business Loaf of Noaf Designs.

Promo 1.

I created this retro ad as a passion project for my freelancing business. I used Adobe Illustrator to design the cartoon and After Effects to animate the bread to dance and make the stars twinkle. I then used Adobe Premiere Pro to place my animation into the retro tv. The jingle was written by me and I had a little help creating the tune with my friends using GarageBand which was later sent to another freelancer who sang it for me barbershop quartet style!


Promo 2.

This was my second promotional video I created for my freelancing business and it was the most rewarding project I’ve ever worked on. I had so much fun with the creative process and watching my illustrations come to life was so satisfying. I first wrote the script of all the information I wanted in my commercial. Then I designed each different scene on Illustrator and animated it using After Effects. Once I finished animating all the scenes, I then combined them all into Premiere Pro. I recorded my boyfriend reading my script for the audio and added transitions and voilà! I made a commercial. 

Promo 3.

I had so much fun animating my first and second promotional videos for Loaf of Noaf Designs, I wanted to create a third! I love the little loaf character I created so I wanted to create a fun animation of her more in action. I thought it would be cute and punny to have her chef up some fresh, hot logos! 


Steady Dodging Graphics